Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritan’s Purse, an international relief organization. Their mission is to provide local partners around the world with shoe boxes filled with small toys, hygiene items, and school supplies as a means of reaching out to children in their own communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ. We ship these simple gifts outside the United States to children affected by war, poverty, natural disaster, famine, and disease.
Starting sometime in October, shoe boxes will be available on the table outside of Fellowship Hall. Watch for more details early in the Fall.
All shoe boxes must be brought in by Sunday, November 10 so they can be delivered to the regional distribution location in time for Christmas delivery. You may read the 6-page PDF file below for suggested items needed by age & gender.
OCC-Gift-Suggestions-PDFBelow is a short overview video about Operation Christmas Child. “Thank You” for your support.