We record our worship services and post the videos on YouTube. Each Sunday, the recording of the 9 AM worship service will be available soon after the completion of the service. You may use the below link to view the worship service videos on YouTube. Once on the DeBows UMC YouTube channel, please subscribe, so you will receive future notifications when new live events or other videos are posted on the channel.
Archives for December 2024
Fellowship Time
On the second Sunday of each month, we have Fellowship Time immediately after the 9 AM Worship Service. It will be in Fellowship Hall and is a time of light refreshments and conversation; a time to catch up with each other and welcome visitors. Please join us!
Fellowship Time is volunteer driven. There is a sign-up sheet outside of Fellowship Hall. Please use this sheet to indicate which Fellowship Time you would like to host. “Thank You” to those who have already volunteered.
Connect & Stay Informed
For the most up-to-date information concerning DeBows UMC activities, event schedules, general church information, or to view recent newsletters, you may visit the church website anytime at debowsumc.org.
Along with the normal newsletter (every other week), special emails will be sent out once in a while for prayer requests, event cancellations, or other time-sensitive news. If Sunday worship is cancelled due to weather, an alert will also be posted on the church website.
All church communication emails will be based on the newsletter subscription list, so if you have not already subscribed to the church newsletter, we invite you to subscribe now. Just visit the church website and use the subscription form in the bottom right-hand corner of the homepage.