— Through the Valley —
A Lenten Series on Lament
Just as Jesus wandered in the wilderness for forty days, so too can we feel like we are wandering in the wilderness, as we face hardships, grief, temptations, and injustices. This Lent, we will discover what it means to wander these parts of life in honesty with God through the practice of lament. We will learn how crying out to God in our need can help us to fully embrace what it means to be human beings held and loved by a God we can trust. We will learn that even through the darkest valleys, Jesus both goes ahead of us and walks with us.
February 14 – Ash Wednesday
“Lament and Repentance”
Psalm 51:1-17
Some of our deepest troubles can come from within us. As we bring them to God, we can grieve and turn from our sins with readiness to receive God’s ever-present grace.
Sunday, February 18
“Why Lament?”
Psalm 13
In Lent, lament invites us to face our humanity. Lament is a natural part of our faithful, loving response to a world marked by sin and brokenness.
Sunday, February 25
“Lament and Honesty”
Job 13:1-13
Job’s response to his friends ensures us that we can be honest with God in even the most painful situations, trusting God to be God in the process.
Sunday, March 3
“Lament and Surrender”
Matthew 26:36-46
Jesus did not always love his options and in the midst of lament, he still freely chose to surrender to God.
Sunday, March 10
“Lament and Community”
Esther 4:1-5
When we recognize or experience injustice, crying out together in words and actions can move us closer to God’s vision for humanity and stir us to make change.
Sunday, March 17
“Lament and Hope”
Lamentations 3:19-24
In a world of “either/or,” lament can bring us to a more honest place of “both/and.” We can both reckon with the full weight of our sorrows and experience hope in our faithful, loving God.
Sunday, March 24
(Palm/Passion Sunday)
“Lament and Action”
Luke 19:41-48
While facing reality can sometimes cause us great pain and sorrow, Jesus shows us how this important step can lead us to necessary, God-seeking action.