The DeBows Food Pantry is open on the 2nd & 4th Monday each month, 6-8pm. DeBows uses an “Appointment Only” system to distribute the food. To make an appointment, call 848-373-8844.
Participants need to call for an appointment by 5:00pm on the Saturday prior to the scheduled food pantry day. This gives the Food Pantry volunteers time to prepare the food for distribution. “Thank You” for your cooperation.
Please contact Pastor Scott if you need further information or would like to volunteer to help with the Food Pantry ministry.
Many of the food items distributed are obtained through our affiliation with the Fulfill Foods Bank program. However, some items we could use from other sources include peanut butter, pasta, beans (not green beans), canned goods, and brownie & cake mixes. If you would like to donate any of these items, please bring them to the church and place them on the table outside of Fellowship Hall. Please check the expiration dates on anything you donate, as we cannot distribute expired food items.